In my “Reflections on Life” posts I am sharing information related to Life, Inspiration, Feng Shui and Holistic & Wholesome living on planet Earth. I find these worthwhile to be shared in today’s growing and rapid jungle of news and data releases. I intend to provide you with food for thought in the ever changing search for meaning and purpose in life.

It is my hope that you will gather something worthwhile here that will enhance your Life or the understanding of the same.

The benefits of decorating your space with fine art photography that speaks to you

Good photography is an art. A picture taken for the purpose of art has an intrinsic value that ideally should speak to an individual and transform the setting it was chosen to beautify. This is why, when decorating your home or office space, it is important to choose decorative photography that benefits everyone who experiences…

Inhabiting a Large Body

So what is it that allows people to get excessively large? To essentially play Russian roulette with their health, and yes, their lives? And please don’t give me: “Oh…it’s hereditary… hereditary my butt!!” I am no expert on this topic by any stretch of the imagination, however, I would venture to say that unless you are a goner, or clinically and hopelessly depressed, or just don’t give a hoot about your health and your appearance…

DuPage County PADS: Bringing Hope to the Homeless

Long known as one of the wealthiest counties in the nation, Chicago area DuPage County is full of expensive and ornate housing developments, beautiful parks and top-rated schools; but contrary to common belief there are also over a thousand people without homes. DuPage PADS helped over a thousand people last year, 174 of them were children. Thanks to the dedicated work of the DuPage PADS organization and selfless volunteers, families like these can receive the support they need to get a leg-up. DuPage PADS recognized the deep and heartfelt needs of those suffering around them and responded to those needs over 25 years ago. For this reason, I am incredibly grateful and excited to be collaborating with DuPage PADS over the course of the following months on a project which will result in a multi media presentation consisting of still photos, audio and video footage…

Reflections on Tom Shadyac’s documentary film “I AM”

I AM is an utterly engaging, very introspective and inspirational non fiction film that poses the seminal questions of: “What is wrong with the World?” and “What can we do about it?” The movie is a meditation on reality. So the question in all this is: “What is next for you to make this world a better place?” I AM isn’t as much about what you can do, as who you can be. And from that transformation of being, action will naturally follow. The power is in the moment not in the “…as soon as I…”